About Alcove

Curb appeal matters when it comes to attracting customers and Alcove’s first impressions deliver in spades on the style front. Renowned designers, Woodsters, have designed an uber-contemporary building where mid-century modern simplicity shines with a touch of Spanish charm.
A white brick façade, elegant arches and single-storey promenade creates a curated tenant flow where customers can feel more at ease rather than in the retail hustle. Lush gardens enhance this ambience with the entire lifestyle experience inviting visitors to stroll and stay awhile. 
From a Southport sand mine to an industrial hub, 15 Pinter Drive has seen many past lives. But you don’t always need to discard the old to create the new which is why Alcove is a reimagined renovation of architectural sustainability. Repurposing the single-storey building gave designers the inspiration to leverage a mid-century modern profile with Spanish-style arches and porticos. The original footprint of the ten warehouses remains with each now being a well-considered green space designed to create operational efficiencies for eco-conscious tenants. 

Floor Plans

Tenancies are available in various sizes from 100m2 - 150m2 with the ability to connect tenancies for larger spaces. All studios feature double swing front doors, arch windows for natural light, individual porches and arbors with landscaped planter boxes - a seamless boutique business centre that would be right at home in Palm Springs as it is in Southport.

A Southport Resurgence

The Gold Coast is a city on the move with public and private investment booming to accommodate a rapidly growing population. Southport sits in the middle of this seaside resurgence being the official CBD and is now shifting the local needle when it comes to key economic indicators. Recognising this evolutionary opportunity will be a retail game changer for savvy business operators.

See yourself in a unique commercial space like no other on the thriving Gold Coast.